Down with BB (hardly)

People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record from everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one*-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated, « vaporized » was the usual word.(Chap.I-I GEORGE ORWELL NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR Penguin Student Edition) At this moment W doesn’t care for it at all, actually he doesn’t care but for one thing : to be down with BB.

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Location: Moimeme, Midluv

My name from 1967 to 1987 is Seth, Then from 1987 to 2007 SetSeth but I’m more famous at that period under the name of Tsé-Tsé. Call myself Setseth7 —my emphasis, for I am nameless. I have had too many identities to cling to one name!"

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Instead of taking the opportunity of joining the resistance (as the only alternative offered to those unsatisfyed with the Party)Winston should have thought it twice.
Instead of resisting (fighting against) without a real meant motivation to do so he should -if he was faithful like he pretends he has lately, faith in something he fails to define though- he should have wondered about the system and studied it thoroughtly. He should have studied in what it doesn't suit him and why he doesn't fit the system before changing anything, and certainly not falling in the flagrant trick of Goldstein. He should have drawn his way in this basic world, his ground of existence. He should have considered the part he's recieved to play and classified the points he agrees and those he disagrees, the conditions he's satistied with and those he is not satisfied with. Then he could have made up his mind, deciding to work things from where he was or escaping the system. Unfortunately and surprisingly he hasn't done the way and satisfied himself with the only two options offered.
The aim of the state or of democracy is to make a community satisfying every members. From that ensues that it's got to adapt to those who compose it. Reforms, changes happen all the time since a society is moving like his people are moving coming and going all the time.
Winston should have found his place naturally in the system of the Party. he should have been able to talk for himself, talk for his needs instead of staying mute and conspiring in the shadow not defining what precisely unpleased him.
But that's another story. The story of pionneers/outsiders.
Winston is responsible for the treatment he gets. He's appealed on it.

The same day he commits crime-thought, he meets O'Brien's eyes
He delegates his thoughts taking the easiest way. He's 39 however, it implies that he's got a life behind himself. So why now ? Why at the age of thirty nine does his life change from its quiet dejected routine ?

Doublethink : other definition. A gathered thought by two. Teilhard de Chardin enlarges it to the whole humanity, to everybody.

Doublethink.. doublespeak : doublespeak - It is important to note that this term does not appear anywhere within Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. I mention it here only due to its similarity to other Newspeak terms such as doublethink, duckspeak, Newspeak, and Oldspeak. And even though it appears that the term was not actually created by Orwell himself, it does carry a very Orwellian meaning of "Deliberately ambiguous or evasive language; any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not." Not a language then !

Thoughtcrime (sea crimethink) : the day begins with thoughtcrime, the first thought to come in the morning signs the end of the night. Now why does it come and how is another question left in the air.

Room 101 :
Room 101 - The final punishment for thoughtcriminals is in the Ministry of Love.
"What is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world....The worst thing in the world varies from individual to individual.

You Owe Me One I OWE YOU ONE
What We Owe One Another : giving without sacrifice (Gif Hub the Happy Tutor on Giving
Thank You Mother Earth, We Owe You One (posted by... allMIGHTY on Saturday, January 01, 2005 on Flat Planet)
You owe no one anything, mama
Hold on tightI try to say it rightI guess sometimes the words don’t comeAnd I wish I’d told you how you changed my lifeAnd saved me with your loveI hope when all is said and doneYou know I owe you one


Now there's a shadow passing over our facesDoubt forever in our heartsAnd in a while we'll have to pick up the tracesWe won't find the missing parts.Buy me a ticket I'll go to the BahamasI need a rest from our petty little dramasYes I really doAha um humLook what you've doneI'm missing all the fun,Baby you owe me one.Aha un humIt's my turn to runA chance to see the sun,Baby you owe me one.I wasn't ready for this kind of intrusionI was taken by surpriseNow both of us are in a state of confusionHesitation on our hearts.Something unwanted has entered our existenceI think it's better to view it from a distanceYes I really doAha um humLook what you've doneI'm missing all the fun,Baby you owe me one.Aha un humIt's my turn to runA chance to see the sun,Baby you owe me one.[

“You Are Here
Nineteen Eighty-Four is NOW
c) Copyright Norman Ershler 1996 - 2002

Orwell's entire body of work portrays a complete philosophy, encompassing the political, social and, on an even deeper level, the psychological interplay between the individual and the group. (The idea of the group, as opposed to the larger and more generic "society", is compelling in Orwell's work, because of its more pervasive and immediate importance to the individual's well being.) While on a less fundamental level, Orwell's writing may be seen as merely concerned with the struggle between the individual and the group, Orwell's deeper view is a more integrated one.
It is, at base, that the individual's relationship to the particular group in which he lives and functions, and, in turn, the group's attitude toward the individual will ultimately determine the individual's autonomy, that is, his freedom to be himself; to be. As his view of the writings of Charles Dickens was simply that "If men would behave decently, the world would be decent", Orwell implores that our most basic individual responsibility is not merely to stand against the group, but, as individuals within the group, to act in such a way as to make the group a viable place in which the individual can thrive.* As Winston Smith so indelibly and painfully illustrates, given our psychological constraints, to ask anything more of the individual is to imagine something that cannot be.
Thus, Orwell believes and Nineteen Eighty-Four demonstrates that only when we create groups in which the individual is valued will each individual be safe and able to survive. And, only then, will the individual be capable of supporting the enlightened values of the group itself.
Nineteen Eighty-Four is not and never has been just a year. Nor is the world portrayed by George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four a place or even merely a set of political or social circumstances. Rather, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a state of mind, a way of being, an atmosphere in which the dark side of our nature lives and turns all around it darker still. It is a time or place which we create when we turn away from the light that is within us, within each individual self, to the empty darkness of group will and psychology; of "mass-mindedness". Thus do we create for ourselves to live in the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Orwell's "fiction" of a world in which, but for a lingering echo, individuality had all but passed into extinction, could have been set in any time or place where "mass-mindedness" is paramount and where the individual exists merely to serve the group. Throughout history, most religions have preached, most governments have practiced and most societies have been organized around such "mass-mindedness". It is only the calendar which might confuse and comfort us, which might convince us that Nineteen Eighty-Four was merely a gruesome story about a time and place that never was nor could ever be. But nothing is further from the truth. And the simple truth is that Nineteen Eighty-Four is NOW.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, there are no heroes, except as an idea, an ideal may be said to be a hero. All of its characters are exceedingly human, and this is what makes Nineteen Eighty-Four both timely and timeless, both powerful and profoundly pathetic. Nineteen Eighty-Four is often upsetting, sometimes disheartening, but, when its main lesson is learned, never depressing. It is fundamentally a story of hope, of a truth which can be discovered (although too late for all concerned); a truth which can be seen by us and taken as not only our ideal, but as the practical guide by which, to a greater or lesser extent, we can avoid the very pitfalls which consumed Winston and Julia and O'Brien and Big Brother, and liberate ourselves from the tyranny and ultimate destructiveness of the group and its mass-minded stranglehold on our hearts and our souls.
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a simple story of faith wrongly placed.

Winston Smith, its main character, searches to escape the suffocating and oppressive world manipulated by and for a ruling group, The Party. He believes that he is seeking a political, a social solution with which he can combat, can destroy the evil of group-think and the "mass-mindedness" in which he lives. Instead, he finds the most exquisitely human, individual "weapon" with which to pursue his salvation: love. But, as we humans are too often prone to do, Winston overlooks what is simple and obvious, what is at hand, and, even as do those he disdains, he puts his faith in another group, The Brotherhood. (It is not for Winston to realize that his answer lies in the idea and practice of "brotherhood", rather than in the imaginary purity of "The Brotherhood".) In the end, Winston is betrayed not by his enemies, but, in a real sense, by himself, by his failure to see the worth in the object of his own worship; the individual and the emotional life with which he or she can find their own peace and presence, even in a world gone apparently mad.
"That which we seek must be our teacher."

(*) : What is our most basic individual reponsability about ? With regard to the group should be of little importance since it’s the same thing. It’s just a question of focus like watching something from a different distance.

Tibetan wisdom for knowing (check the quote of Kalou Rimpotche)

The Messianic Idea in Judaism
Belief in the eventual coming of the moshiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith, the minimum requirements of Jewish belief. In the Shemoneh Esrei prayer, recited three times daily, we pray for all of the elements of the coming of the moshiach: ingathering of the exiles; restoration of the religious courts of justice; an end of wickedness, sin and heresy; reward to the righteous; rebuilding of Jerusalem; restoration of the line of King David; and restoration of Temple service.
Modern scholars suggest that the messianic concept was introduced later in the history of Judaism, during the age of the prophets. They note that the messianic concept is not mentioned anywhere in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible).
However, traditional Judaism maintains that the messianic idea has always been a part of Judaism. The moshiach is not mentioned explicitly in the Torah, because the Torah was written in terms that all people could understand, and the abstract concept of a distant, spiritual, future reward was beyond the comprehension of some people. However, the Torah contains several references to "the End of Days" (achareet ha-yameem), which is the time of the moshiach; thus, the concept of moshiach was known in the most ancient times.
The term "moshiach" literally means "the anointed one," and refers to the ancient practice of anointing kings with oil when they took the throne. The moshiach is the one who will be anointed as king in the End of Days.( *-)
The word "moshiach" does not mean "savior." The notion of an innocent, divine or semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought. Unfortunately, this Christian concept has become so deeply ingrained in the English word "messiah" that this English word can no longer be used to refer to the Jewish concept. The word "moshiach" will be used throughout this page.
The Moshiach
The moshiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The moshiach is often referred to as "moshiach ben David" (moshiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments. (Isaiah 11:2-5) He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.
It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the moshiach. If the time is right for the messianic age within that person's lifetime, then that person will be the moshiach. But if that person dies before he completes the mission of the moshiach, then that person is not the moshiach.

What Will the Moshiach Do?
Before the time of the moshiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)
The moshiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem**/

Olam Ha-Ba The world after the messiah comes
The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come.(*/*) Olam Ha-Ba will be characterized by the peaceful co-existence of all people. (Isaiah 2:4) Hatred, intolerance and war will cease to exist. Some authorities suggest that the laws of nature will change, so that predatory beasts will no longer seek prey and agriculture will bring forth supernatural abundance (Isaiah 11:6-11:9). Others, however, say that these statements are merely an allegory for peace and prosperity.
All of the Je-wish people will return from their ex-ile among the nations to their home in Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). The law of the Ju-bilee will be reinstated.
From Judaism 101 :

**/The moshiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem
jewish/juif Je-wish ; “Toi si je veux”You If I wish Je-wish I-wish
Israel ; Is-real ; What is real ? reality/realities/réalité
Moshiach/Messie!Mais-si!/Messy féminin/Mess-he/Mes-s-he/Mes-she/messiah/me-shy-her/ Mac-Shy

*/* Ô Lama bas ! (bas like ici-bas= down here ; lama = wise student)
(*-) the anointed one : anointed with essential-oil, liquefied or fluidifié par l’essence de l’être.
"moshiach ben David" Moshiach bend-avid

ISLAM 101 Verses From The Holy Quran
Is it not (the case) that to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth? Is it not (the case) that God's promise (of the Day of Judgment) is assuredly true? Yet most of them understand not.It is He Who gives life and who takes it, and to Him shall you all be brought back.O mankind! there has come to you a direction from your Lord God and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy. Say: "In the bounty of God. And in His Mercy,- in that let them rejoice": that is better than the (wealth) they hoard. (The Holy Quran, 10:55-58)
About 1400 years ago, in his last sermon, Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) said:
“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white — except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer your deeds. So beware: Do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.”

The resistance was the revolutionary group which was supposedly led by the arch-traitor, Emmanuel Goldstein. There is some question as to whether or not this group actually existed.
Same statement for Big Brother. (link : Big Brother - Also refered to as simply "B.B.". Similar to America's "Uncle Sam", except this individual is the leader of the nation. In Oceania, Big Brother is worshiped almost as if he were a god.And just like the gods of most religions, Big Brother is most likely fictional. Orwell never refers to Big Brother by his 'real' name, and it would appear that nobody in Oceania possesses this information either. Winston's memory is a little foggy, but he does share some of the history of BB's rise to power with us:
"The story really began in the middle sixties, the period of the great purges in which the original leaders of the Revolution were wiped out once and for all. By 1970 none of them was left, except Big Brother himself. All the rest had by that time been exposed as traitors and counter- revolutionaries."
But this really doesn't answer the question of whether Big Brother is a 'real' individual or not. But elsewhere in the book there are hints that Big Brother is a fictional leader:
"Nobody has ever seen Big Brother. He is a face on the hoardings, a voice on the telescreen. We may be reasonably sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable uncertainty as to when he was born. Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the world. His function is to act as a focusing point for love, fear, and reverence, emotions which are more easily felt towards an individual than towards an organization."
It also fits the ideology of Ingsoc to have a fictional leader. It would go a long way to help the stability of the nation, since it would be difficult for any power-hungry inner party members to stage a coup d'etat against an imaginary phantom.)
Then why bother with such notions, as unreal as these. What is real should be of importance.

unperson - Person that has been erased from existence by the government for breaking the law in some way. A unperson is completely erased from history. All records of their existence is removed from record, and all party members are expected to removed them from memory. To mention their name is considered thoughtcrime. This eliminates any possibility of martyrdom.

1984 the movie :

1984-Apr4-1984 :

The Ministry of Love #2 - The Present -

Law of gravity- "you're the last man" :

Room 101 (one owe one) :

2 + 2 = 4 -

Written by George Orwell (novel) Jonathan Gems/Michael Radford (for film)


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